Vince Vaughn has fathered 533 children. Seriously! Okay, not seriously, but his character in Delivery Man has. Check out the trailer for the actor’s latest comedy.

In Delivery Man, Vaughn plays underachieving Dave Wozniak, a regular guy who hasn’t fulfilled his potential in life, much to the chagrin of his father and girlfriend (Cobie Smulders).

Life takes an unexpected turn when Dave finds out that deposits he made at the sperm bank 20 years ago, somehow resulted in 533 biological offspring. A group of 142 of those offspring bring a suit against him to reveal his identity.

Delivery Man also stars Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation), Bobby Moynahan (Saturday Night Live), and Britt Robertson (Under the Dome).

Take a look at the full trailer:

From the looks of the trailer, writer-director Ken Scott has turned a ridiculous-sounding plot into a heart warming self-discovery tale.

The film is actually an adaptation of another Scott film, Starbuck, which was released out of New Zealand in 2011. That film was also released on a few screens in the U.S. earlier this year.

While not a complete departure, Delivery Man, is a slightly more subdued release from Vaughn who can often be seen in screwball comedies.

This film settles between this summer’s The Internship with Owen Wilson and next year’s sequel, Anchorman: The Legend Continues with Will Ferrell.

Scott and Vaughn are already slated to reunite for a film called Business Trip. The details of that film are being kept under wraps for the time being.

Delivery Man is set to hit theaters on Nov. 22.

What do you think of the ‘Delivery Man’ trailer ?