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Lately, a lot of people commenting in various Harry Potter posts have been defining the “Potter Generation.” But what really is it? Who qualifies? I’m here to tell you that everyone does.

The biggest opinion going around is that all “true” fans of the Potter books who really “grew up” with the series are now adults. Well, I can tell you right now, fans all over the world who have grown up with Harry Potter are all ages. Current 9, 13, 20, 30-year-olds have all taken Harry Potter as their childhood. We all grew up with the books, and to those of you who think that the world’s current children and teens didn’t grow up with the books… I can assure you that you are sorely mistaken.

The Potter Generation includes us all. All of us who have grown up with the books, all of us that had Harry as a part of our childhood. Just defining a percent of the world’s population as “The Harry Potter Generation” is wrong. Harry Potter has been around for a while, and is something that people (both old and young) will keep on their bookshelves forever. Everyone is a part of the Potter Generation.

Just growing up while the books and movies were actually being released doesn’t make only those people a part of it… all fans are. And all fans are welcome. The Potter Generation will live on forever, adding more and more people day by day, as they begin their journey with Harry, and a piece of their childhood is gained.