The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons is a quick, clever thriller that blurs the line between right and wrong.

Vale Hall is a super exclusive private school for exceptional kids. It’s housed in a fancy mansion and the students are in want of nothing. They have the whole world at their fingertips and a shot at their dream life, no matter how lofty their goals.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

It’s not, but that doesn’t mean Vale Hall is without its secrets. Brynn Hilder finds herself attending the school after an unconventional interview process. She’s leaving her old life behind and looking toward an impossibly bright future.

Brynn, like the other students at Vale Hall, was chosen because of her talent for running cons. She’s been given an opportunity to hone her skills and do more than just make a quick couple bucks.

Soon, Brynn has a mark and a single mission: find out everything she can about Grayson Sterling, the senator’s son.

But that single mission turns into a complicated web of lies, as she tries to navigate her life at the school. How much can she trust her new friends and teachers? What happens if she fails to gain Grayson’s trust? Will she ever be able to get away from her mother’s terrifying boyfriend?

Simmons’ writing is instantly captivating. It’s quick and clever, snatching your attention and not letting go until you find out exactly what Vale Hall, and its mysterious Director, are all about.

Each character is memorable and fully fleshed out. I could see any one of Brynn’s new friends leading another book taking place at Vale Hall. They each have mysterious pasts and hopes for a better future. They each are sacrificing something to be at this school, and there’s no better story to tell than one like that.

Romance develops, as it always does, both intense and sweet, forbidden and so pure. It doesn’t take over the story, as it does in many young adult novels, but it adds a layer that ups the ante and makes the stakes feel even more desperate and real.

Brynn leads the book with ease. She’s distrusting of almost everyone, and yet she has a soft heart. Her home life is less than stellar, and while that drives her every move, it also doesn’t hold her back. She makes the best of her situation, and when an opportunity arises, she’s quick to take it.

She’s also the kind of friend you want to hold onto. She’s fiercely loyal, exceptionally resourceful, and incredibly intelligent. She might toe the line between right and wrong, but she knows when she can cross it and when she can’t. I’d definitely want her on my side if I found myself in a tight spot.

The premise of Vale Hall is admittedly just outside the realm of believability, but if it were to exist, it would play out just like it does in The Deceivers. Brynn never forgets to question how strange and impossible her current situation is, but like any good conwoman, she takes a calculated risk in joining the school.

What’s most impressive in regards to The Deceivers is how multi-faceted and layered it is. All our main players are connected in one way or another, their stories overlapping intentionally. It’s not just fate or convenience; it’s part of the con.

If The Deceivers is here to teach us a lesson, it’s to make sure you question everything. Never let your guard down. Maybe not everyone is out to get you, but that doesn’t mean they’re not looking out for themselves in the process.

Trust must be earned, and once it’s lost, it could be gone forever.

Simmons has created a realistic universe inside of The Deceivers. While the story is not likely, it’s definitely plausible, and that’s what makes it feel so tangible. The characters could be people we know. The school could be just down the road. The cons could be happening to someone we’ve heard of.

Vale Hall is a dream come true, not just for Brynn, but for The Deceivers’ audience, as well. It is as ripe with possibility as its students, and I hope one day we can find out more about Henry, Charlotte, Geri, Caleb, and even Brynn. Everyone has their secrets, and Simmons has a talent of unraveling them with delicacy and precision no matter how entangled the string.

The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons hits store shelves on February 5, 2019. You can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and Book Depository, or simply add it to your Goodreads list.

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