The United States government has a site called We The People whereby the people of our country can start any petition they want. Once a petition receives 25,000 signatures within 30 days, the White House has to give a formal response.

A petition asking the White House to “Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016” hit that signature quota, and the White House issued a formal and hilarious letter. “The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon,” they wrote along with several bullet-pointed reasons (“The Administration does not support blowing up planets” is one example).

Today, the official Star Wars blog issued a response to the White House’s response from the “Galactic Empire Public Relations” team. It read, in part, “The overwhelming military superiority of the Galactic Empire has been confirmed once again by the recent announcement by the President of the United States that his nation would not attempt to build a Death Star, despite the bellicose demands of the people of his tiny, aggressive planet. ‘It is doubtless that such a technological terror in the hands of so primitive a world would be used to upset the peace and sanctity of the citizens of the Galactic Empire,’ said Governor Wilhuff Tarkin of the Outer Rim Territories. ‘Such destructive power can only be wielded to protect and defend by so enlightened a leader as Emperor Palpatine.'”

The letters issued by the White House and the Galactic Empire Public Relations team are both hilarious and amazing. We’re glad the White House followed through with their promise of writing answers to petitions that gain over 25,000 signatures, and even more pleased by the Star Wars team’s clever response.

Check out all of the White House’s official responses to see that they do indeed take many petitions seriously.