Dean Thomas actor Alfred Enoch revealed on last night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he once went streaking on the Harry Potter film set.

Enoch was prompted to tell the story when Kimmel asked if he took anything from the set after working on it for so long (ten years, according to the actor). While he wasn’t able to take his wand like he was hoping, he and a few friends decided that their big memory from their time with Potter would be a streak down one of the sets.

They first tried to streak through the Great Hall, but unfortunately the set was locked. In this video Enoch explains how he ended up in the Ministry of Magic and how the attempt to streak fell apart:

We wonder who Enoch’s friends were that joined him on the streak? We’re guessing Matthew Lewis (Neville), Devon Murray (Seamus), and the Phelps twins (the Weasley twins).

The actor appeared on last night’s episode of Kimmel to promote his great new drama How to Get Away with Murder which airs Thursday nights on ABC.