Fans have been dying to see the long-awaited first Deadpool trailer starring Ryan Reynolds, and now the first official trailer has been released, and this is not your average comic book movie.

Deadpool’s trailer at Comic-Con was highly praised, and the first official one, which premiered on Conan Tuesday night, is no different. We have a feeling this film is going to be a smashing box office success, despite its hard R-rating. The comic character is entirely different than anything the average moviegoer has seen in a superhero/villain film, and we can’t wait to be blown away with just how unique the character is on the big screen.

In the first Deadpool trailer we see that Reynolds’ character finds out he has cancer, and is asked if he wants to be turned into a superhero to fix his illness.

From there things just get fun. Deadpool’s doctor says that normally a person loses their sense of humor after this type of surgery, but it certainly didn’t have that effect on Deadpool. The first trailer has all the right beats and is packed with literal laugh-out-loud moments (“Daddy needs to express some rage,” “I’m touching myself tonight”).

Deadpool’s first trailer leaves us extremely excited about the movie, and we look forward to Ryan Reynolds continuing to keep his loyal fans up-to-date with the on-set hilarity. The first trailer shows that the people in charge haven’t held back in the least, and this movie might just be one of the most highly-anticipated movies of 2016.

There was also another video during Conan which showed Deadpool rubbing panda tears on Conan’s back, and then realizing that Conan didn’t have an ass. Watch the clip below:

We recently got to see new images from the film, and the production photos continue to be some of the most impressive promotion we’ve seen in quite some time. It’s unique and also includes some incredible female leads as well, such as Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano, and Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Related: Watch the Deadpool trailer teaser in which Reynolds offers up a hilarious monologue

The first Deadpool trailer is exciting, raunchy, and epic. Reynolds is not who we thought would reinvent the comic book hero, but he looks like he’s done an excellent job with this Rated-R character, and it’s exciting to think about what this movie could end up being once it hits theaters.

‘Deadpool’ hits theaters February 12, 2016.