With the summer gaming drought right on the horizon, this week offers a few titles and DLC that could be of interest.

Our pick of the week is the first DLC to one of last year’s biggest titles, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard. Bethesda is aiming for a meaty addition to the already huge amount of content with some nice new features like mounted combat. It comes as a timed-exclusive to XBLA Wednesday for $20.

Another piece of DLC worth looking out for this week is the free Mass Effect 3: The Extended Cut. After a controversial ending to the trilogy, Bioware is releasing this addition that will include new cinematics to flesh out the ending and hopefully provide a more satisfying conclusion for players.

As far as retail releases go, Spec Ops: The Line looks like it could be more than just an average third-person military shooter and The Amazing Spider-Man will hopefully be better than most movie tie-in games.

What are you playing this week?




Via Kotaku