caught up with Darren Criss, a former cover boy to its magazine, about the future of Blaine on the show as well as what we can expect from his music career!

Billboard does a great job of getting to some of those burning questions that we’ve all been asking ourselves this season.

Billboard noted that one of the photos from the upcoming Whitney Houston tribute shows Blaine at a desk, which presumably means that he’ll be singing “It’s Not Right But It’s Okay,” as the same sort of desk was used in her music video for the same song.

The topic of the song leaves us concerned. Is there reason for Kurt and Blaine fans to be worried?

The only worry we should really have is that Kurt is leaving soon, and that yields a bit of contention. When there’s a pending departure of someone in a relationship, there’s tension and worry on a basest level. So there’s certainly that.

Speaking of energy, we’ve seen an angrier Blaine this season, a lot of emotional outbursts.

Yeah! It’s interesting you mention that I was saying that, I think there’s all kinds of things that have happened to Blaine in his life, and he’s proved to be a lot more angrier person than you originally saw. He’s definitely a calm and composed guy on the surface who has a lot of aggression from his home life and otherwise. He’s kind of an angry guy. I enjoy giving a lot of energy, and I think Ryan (Murphy) has enjoyed using that in very big ways, I guess. I hope that it’s warranted, because I do perform sometimes and I think “That might have been too much, I hope that works in the context of the story.”

How do you get into that headspace as an actor?

Music is easy to get pumped to. It’s the same thing as when you’re listening to a song when you’re working out, or you’re hearing a song and feeling happy or sad. It’s a gateway drug to a lot of emotions. So the music helps, and then adding the contextual groundwork to what’s going on. It’s been interesting to see them fill in these shades of grey with Blaine, and I’ve been doing my best to make it believable.

This weekend in Los Angeles you got up on stage with Theo Katzman to play some songs, and said you were opting to play old tunes instead of new ones you’re working on. Any time fans can expect to hear the new music?

That show was so short, and it was kind of a gathering of friends, but we got cut off. I had a few more songs I wanted to sing, I had these horns and I was so excited to play some more with them. We were rehearsing all day, but we didn’t get to do any of it. It was a good chance to get all our friends together under one roof and play together, though. There’s always new stuff, but I figure out my setlist usually when I get there. When I got there I felt like doing something fun that was practiced, as opposed to trying to bust something new out. You know, when you’re a novelist and someone asks you if you’re writing a new book, the answer is always yes. Doesn’t necessarily mean you have a release date or specific mindset to do X by Y time. There’s always new songs for StarKid or for myself or otherwise. Those are the songs I’ll play, but I wanted to hold those back a little longer until they’re polished.

Team StarKid just announced their upcoming spring tour. Any chance you’ll be able to check out a few dates or join them on the road?

Hopefully! I’m working that out. They’re coming to my turf, so I should hope so. TBD, but that would be good!


To check out the full interview where Darren talks about The Glee Project, as well as meeting Kermit the Frog, click here!