With How to Succeed in Business now in Darren Criss’ past (see video of the star giving a speech to adoring fans waiting outside), the final totals for his four-week run are in!

How’d he do?

Quite well. Each week of performances beat out Dan Radcliffe (though fans had a lot more time to see the Harry Potter star, so ticket sales weren’t forced in a smaller period like they were for Criss). As EW reports:

For the last three weeks, How to Succeed took in more than $1.3 million per week — just over $4 million total — a figure that was consistently at or near the production’s potential gross. And there was only a modest dip of nearly $12,000 in Criss’ final week, which suggests that the small-screen Warbler may be able to sustain a longer Broadway run should producers want him to return during his summer hiatus from Glee — assuming Ryan Murphy & Co. will let him skip the expected Glee summer concert tour.

Do you think Criss belongs on Broadway?