Thanks to for a brand new link to the video!

Below is a scene-by-scene description thanks to HeroHype host Jeff Martin:

Over thunderous applause and cheers from the fans, we can make out what might be the most tantalizing trailer for the conclusion of Nolan’s Batman saga since the first 6-minute teaser we got half a year ago.

That video we posted earlier WILL get taken down, so here’s a rundown on what happened in the minute-and-a-half clip that (spoiler) DOES contain spoilers in case you’re getting to this article late.

We open on Joseph Gordon Levitt (John Blake) interrogating Anne Hathaway (Selina Kyle). “You’ve made some mistakes, miss Kyle,” he says. “A girl’s gotta eat,” she retorts. “And you have quite an appetite.” Cut to Selina in Catwoman gear driving the Tumblr, er, Tumbler (Nolan’s version of the Batmobile). “Why would you run? You know you can’t hide from us with a record like this.” “Maybe it’s not you I’m running FROM.” Oh, snap, Selina.

Cut to: Bane kneeling (praying?) in some run-down monastery-ish place. Catwoman in an old subway saying, “don’t be shy.” The iconic shot of Bane discarding Batman’s broken mask. A subway full of Bane’s mercenaries. Various shots of devastation being spread around Gotham. And a scene that all but confirms the previously spoiled “judge Scarecrow” scene.

Then things pick up! We hear Bane’s muffled voice yell “let the games begin,” and we’re treated to a montage of truly terrible, awful things happening. Bridges exploding. Batpod motorcycle chase scenes. Prisoners being led down a hall Guantanamo-style. And a killer little shot of Catwoman saying, “he’s behind you” to one of Bane’s subway thugs. (Guess who was behind him. C’mon. Just guess.)

We see a few Batman suiting-up scenes, Gordon in action, Batman fighting Bane, and more surprisingly, Gotham city cops being entirely relevant and competent. If I got anything from this trailer, it’s that things WON’T go well for Batman, and the GCPD will really step up to take on the Bane menace in his absence. And I’m totally sold on Anne Hathaway, who looks like more of a friend of the Bat than ever in this trailer.

And after all that, we’re back to Blake interrogating Kyle: “What do you know about him?

“That you should be as afraid of him as I am.”

Cue title card. Crowd goes wild. Nolan shifts into a more comfortable position atop his giant pile of money.