We were skeptical when Harry Potter star Dan Radcliffe started using social media with a Google+ profile. We’ve since realized it was a great idea because his account has been very active, and now he’s announced a new feature: a video diary.

Shocking YouTube vloggers everywhere, Radcliffe pulled off his first vlog without making a single edit in between any of his sentences.

“This is the first of what will become a gradual video diary that we’re going to be doing. This is the first one, so it’s me saying hello in a house that’s not my own,” he quips.

“I didn’t really know what [the Google+ profile] was going to be at first,” Radcliffe admits, “But now actually I’m having quite a lot of fun with it – sharing my strange interests and whatever comes to mind with you all.”

Strangely, the video is not embeddable even though it’s in a YouTube player. You can visit this Google+ post from Radcliffe to watch the quick video.

We hope these forthcoming videos will capture exciting moments behind the scenes of his upcoming projects. In recent months, he’s used his Google+ profile to share photos that we’ve never seen before.

We’d like to publicly request a video of Radcliffe making book or movie recommendations. Or, for fun, videos of Dan walking around on the street casting pretend spells at people while wearing a cape.

We’re still hoping he joins Twitter. His Harry Potter co-star Emma Watson is tons of fun on the social networking site. But we can’t complain — especially when we remember that Rupert Grint has yet to create any social media presence.