When will Curb Your Enthusiasm season 9 air on HBO? Creator and star Larry David doesn’t know.

In fact, by the sounds of it, Larry David doesn’t know if Curb Your Enthusiasm season 9 will ever see the light of day.

While promoting his new HBO movie Clear History – a thinly-vieled Curb movie in our opinion – David was asked what the future holds for his beloved comedy show.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. Ask me in six months,” he told reporters earlier this week.

David has a unique deal with HBO whereby it’s up to him to decide when a new season of the show begins shooting. This is so that David can take as much time as he needs to develop new arcs, and only decides to begin production when he feels inspired enough.

The actor’s “I really don’t know” answer could suggest that he’s not feeling particularly inspired right now for a ninth season.

On the other hand, the humor in Clear History is very similar to what you’ll find in Curb, so we imagine that David’s sense of humor is as sharp as ever. All he needs are a long list of things that piss him off in the world, and he’ll be set for season 9.

Last month, co-star Jeff Garlin said on his podcast that he was optimistic about a new season and he expects they would shoot in 2014.

Curb Your Enthusiasm season 8 ended in September 2011. With Clear History out of the way, perhaps David can return full focus back to Curb.