If you’ve played the original Deadly Premonition on the Xbox 360, you may be able to attest to the strange attraction you had to this over-the-top quirkfest of a game. If you’ve never played the original, you’re in for a treat, via new features for the forthcoming PlayStation 3 version.

A more leveled out difficulty, slightly improved visuals, and brand new cutscenes will be part of the package deal for the Deadly Premoniton remake, according to IGN’s interview with director Hidetaka Suehiro and their time spent with the PS3 version.

A quick recap of the game is as follows: An FBI agent name York with split personalities investigates the serial murders of women in a forever-rainy town. He has goofy interactions with the eccentric townsfolk and often discusses surprisingly interesting factoids about movies from all time periods with his alter ego, Zach.

Although the visuals will improve in this Director’s Cut, IGN reports that the graphics won’t be that good, citing that they are still just barley out of the SEGA Dreamcast era. Characters will still have blocky models, but little details, such as a teacup on a table, have been added in for visual flair.

In terms of the new scenes, IGN described one that will take place in the beginning of the game in which a young girl holding a teddy bear asks an elderly man to tell her a story. He responds that it is a grisly and grueling tale, with the scene ending just as the camera is about to reveal his face.

The difficulty in the original game was out of this world, regardless of there being three different levels of challenge. Thankfully (or unthankfully, if you’re a purist), IGN stated that the Director’s Cut has only one, reasonable difficulty.

Lastly, IGN reported on smaller helpful changes, like the ability to be able to change the button mapping on the Dual Shock controller. Another great addition to the original was the added functionality of being able to zoom in on the otherwise useless mini-map.

In order to bring itself into the current generation of games, Deadly Premonition for the PS3 will also support stereoscopic 3D, PlayStation Move compatibility, downloadable content, and trophies.

Did you play the original Deadly Premonition? What was your favorite part? If you have played the original, what improvements are you most looking forward to with the Director’s Cut?

Featured image credit: IGN.com (teaser trailer)
Image credit:  Pushsquare.com