On last night’s season finale of Criminal Minds, the show opened with a glimpse into the personal lives of the characters. Penelope Garcia and Spencer Reid were featured at a sci-fi convention in Doctor Who inspired outfits.

Though they don’t specifically say during the dialogue that they are Doctor Who characters, it’s pretty obvious that Spencer Reid is Tom Baker’s Doctor, Kevin Lynch is Matt Smith’s Doctor, Kevin’s new girlfriend is Amy Pond, and Penelope Garcia is a generic Doctor Who inspired look.

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We are not able to embed the footage here, but you can catch the scene in the first five minutes of the show here.

This is not the first time Criminal Minds has mentioned Doctor Who. In previous episodes, it was established that Dr. Reid was a fan. On the other hand, this is the first time that Penelope and Kevin, who were previous known to love geek culture, were revealed as specifically Doctor Who fans.

Did you catch last night’s episode? Are you a fan of both Doctor Who and Criminal Minds?