Yesterday, Myra McEntire released the cover of her third novel, Infinityglass. Check it out below and tell us what you think.

Myra McEntire: 

It was important. Infinityglass takes place in New Orleans, and after exhaustive research, I discovered the best place to set a certain scene was in the very historic Bourbon Orleans ballroom. It fits the mood of the book so perfectly, which is creepier than Hourglass or Timepiece. I’m just saying, SHIZ goes DOWN. I can’t wait to tell you whose point of view it’s from. *evil author chuckle*

Infinityglass is set to be released this summer and will be the third book in the Hourglass series. One of the biggest questions is who will be the narrator of this book? We have our suspicions but will wait for more details. The plot also remains a mystery but considering the Hourgalass was given an ultimatum it is safe to say they will be looking for the infinityglass and keeping an eye out for Landers.

Set in New Orleans there is sure to be some really cool atmosphere. Myra goes in to detail on her website about her adventures in New Orleans and the historic Bourbon Ballroom that plays a key role in the book.

Whose point of view do you want the book to be from?