Infinite In Between is the latest novel from award winning author Carolyn Mackler. Mackler discusses her favorite part of the cover and one that will make us want to read this novel even more.

What is your favorite part of the cover?
I love that the cover is so simple and yet so striking! I can’t stop staring at how the artist sketched the word “Infinite” — three-dimensional and a rich infinity blue like it could go on forever. And how cool is that dusty infinity sign at the bottom? At first you may not see it, but on second glance there it is and it says it all.

How does the cover relate to the story?
Infinite In Between follows five teenagers through all four years of high school. I realize that contemporary high school is about smart boards and white boards and whatever other boards I haven’t even heard of, but a chalkboard still feels like high school on a visceral level.

What is one thing you can tell us about Infinite In Between that will make us want to read it even more?
Very few novels have ever spanned all of high school from the first day until graduation. As you read Infinite In Between, you will become so invested in these five characters’ lives, from when they’re barely teenagers until they’re eighteen and headed into the world – through ups and downs, tragedies and triumphs, happily-ever-afters and then the days after that.

About ‘Infinite In Between’

Printz Honor author Carolyn Mackler returns with this striking new novel that chronicles the lives of five teenagers through the thrills, heartbreaks, and joys of their four years in high school.

Zoe, Jake, Mia, Gregor, and Whitney meet at freshman orientation. At the end of that first day, they make a promise to reunite after graduation. So much can happen in those in-between years….

Zoe feels like she will live forever in her famous mother’s shadow. Jake struggles to find the right connections in friendship and in love. Mia keeps trying on new identities, looking for one that actually fits. Gregor thought he wanted to be more than just a band geek. And Whitney seems to have it all, until it’s all falling apart around her.

Echoing aspects of John Hughes’s The Breakfast Club, Carolyn Mackler skillfully brings the stories of these five disparate teens together to create a distinct and cohesive whole — a novel about how we can all affect one another’s lives in the most unexpected and amazing ways.

Infinite In Between doesn’t release until September 1 but if you are at BEA this week, Carolyn Mackler will be signing on Thursday, May 28, at 12 p.m.; Table 13.

What do you think about the ‘Infinite In Between’ cover?