Check out the new covers for Cora Carmack’s Muse series. Inspire gets an incredible new look, and we get our first look at Inflict.

If you enjoy New Adult or Adult Contemporary romance novels, you probably know Cora Carmack’s name. If you don’t, you should definitely rectify that, as both the Losing It and Rusk University series are amazing stories just waiting for your discovery.

The Muse series is her first go at paranormal romance, and it doesn’t involve the typical werewolves and vampires. She decided to go a different road and play with the muses of Greek mythology. Well, one muse in particular, named Kalliope. Those that have read Inspire know that there are more mythological beings involved than just her, but that’s creeping into spoiler territory and we really don’t want to go there.

Check out the new look for Inspire. It perfectly reflects the misty, mysterious air of the first Muse book, and it’s nice to get a glimpse of Wilder, too.

If you haven’t read Inspire yet, here’s a taste of what you can expect.

Kalliope lives with one purpose.

To inspire.

As an immortal muse, she doesn’t have any other choice. It’s part of how she was made. Musicians, artists, actors — they use her to advance their art, and she uses them to survive. She moves from one artist to the next, never staying long enough to get attached. But all she wants is a different life — a normal one. She’s spent thousands of years living lie after lie, and now she’s ready for something real.

Sweet, sexy, and steady, Wilder Bell feels more real than anything else in her long existence. And most importantly… he’s not an artist. He doesn’t want her for her ability. But she can’t turn off the way she influences people, not even to save a man she might love. Because in small doses, she can help make something beautiful, but her ability has just as much capacity to destroy as it does to create. The longer she stays, the more obsessed Wilder will become. It’s happened before, and it never turns out well for the mortal.

Her presence may inspire genius.

But it breeds madness, too.

Inspire is available on Amazon in ebook, audiobook, and paperback format. You can also check it out on Indiebound or Barnes and Noble.

For those that are anxiously awaiting the second part of Kalli and Wilder’s tale, take a look at the incredible cover for Inflict (book two of the Muse series), available January 2016.

Wilder Bell made a dangerous bargain…
For a chance at love, he gave up his life.

History knew Kalliope as an ancient Greek muse, but to Wilder, she was simply the woman he wanted to fall asleep with every night and wake up next to every morning. He made a deal with Hades, but the only thing the Lord of the Underworld deals in is death. Now Wilder is wasting away in a cold and wretched afterlife, waiting for Kalli to come for him. She will come. He has to believe that. Because the alternative is worse than death.

Kalliope lived her entire existence knowing that she was both a blessing and a curse to anyone she encountered. Wilder was no different. She loved him, and she got him killed. Now to get him back, she’ll have to face a scheming god, a perilous task, and death itself. But before it’s done, the Underworld will take more from her than she ever thought possible.

To be made whole, all must first be lost.

Covers designed by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design.

What do you think of Cora Carmack’s Muse series’ new look?