Harry Potter isn’t just for nerds, and the real life Quidditch sport organized by the International Quidditch Association proves that Harry Potter is just damn cool these days.

It used to be that we’d only look up to the football, soccer, baseball, and lacrosse players and admire their skills – and looks. Now at many universities, when someone carries a broom down a corridor we A) no longer assume they’re a janitor and B) admire how they actually play Quidditch, a sport we adored when reading a fictional book.

Here now are the coolest Quidditch players in the world today. We appreciate their skills, passion, and support of the Wizarding World.


You may think that real life Quidditch somehow involves flying.

Or you think it’s for little kids? Like these little tykes?

Thumbs up for kid Quidditch players!

But you’re wrong on both accounts.

The sport takes place on the ground. It’s action packed and primarily played by college kids.

There are even Taylor Lautner look-a-likes.

Taylor? Is that you?

Before the game begins, there are a lot of serious looks and focus.

And some players spend their time searching for Hogwarts babes.

The goal is to get the Quaffles through the hoops, just like in the books.

Everyone must have a broom in between their legs.

And of course, a Golden Snitch is running around who needs to be captured.

You must grab the ball out of the Snitch’s butt, basically.

Really, all that matters is the action. It’s fun to watch!

At the end of a game, there are no hard feelings like there were between Harry and Draco

The coolest Quidditch players? These guys, of course.

Tickets are on sale for the Quidditch World Cup VI, happening in Florida. Thanks to every muggle who plays Quidditch for making the sport cool!

Thanks to Photography-On-The-Net, this blog, CUNY, and the IQA for the photos.