Everyone’s favorite coach has returned to our screens in one of the most delightful ways possible: By telling us to turn off our cellphones.

Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) shot a PSA for Alamo Drafthouse’s chain of theaters in which the Friday Night Lights character asks attendees to turn off their phones before the movie starts.

“This is it, this is what we all worked for,” Coach Taylor says as if he’s in a new episode of Friday Night Lights. “We paid to be here. I want you to know your friends and your family are going to be watching every second. They’re going to be with you every moment of this. So let’s do it for them, let’s do it for each other. Let’s make sure we have some pride.”

“Clear eyes, full heart, turn your goddamn cell phones off!”

Or else? They’ll be ejected from the theater like they’re a grumpy parent at a football game.

Alamo Drafthouse, a chain of theaters scattered across the U.S., has made a name for itself by holding a hard position on cell phone use during movies in their theaters: If you use your phone, you’ll receive a warning and possibly get kicked out.

This rule has garnered a lot of attention — It makes you wonder why more theaters haven’t gotten on board with this strategy!

For now, we can only rely on Coach Taylor to teach the millennial generation about this issue facing theaters around the globe.