Here is the latest City of Lost Souls teaser from Cassie Clare.  It scares us to think of what this might mean! Check it out below.

From Cassie Clare:

Clary looked at Alec steadily. She remembered what Isabelle had told her earlier, about knowing whether Jace was dead or not, and what she had said back. “Alec,” she said. “Don’t you feel anything?”

Alec’s eyes flew open, their blue darkening, and for a moment, Clary remembered the boy who had hated her when she first arrived at the Institute, the boy with bitten nails and holes in his sweaters and a chip on his shoulder that seemed immovable. “I know you’re upset, Clary,” he said, his voice sharp, “but if you’re suggesting that Iz and I care less about Jace than you do —”

“I’m not,” Clary said. “I’m talking about your parabatai connection.”

What could it mean?  Tell us what you think below. Has something happened to Jace?