The Dark Knight Rises director Christopher Nolan has long been a staunch opponent of 3D, refusing to turn his highly successful Batman trilogy into the format, not to mention his other tent-pole films. In a recent interview Nolan offered a bit more on his stance.

Speaking to Salon, Nolan said:

“The question of 3-D is a very straightforward one,” Nolan said in a recent interview. “I never meet anybody who actually likes the format, and it’s always a source of great concern to me when you’re charging a higher price for something that nobody seems to really say they have any great love for.

“It’s up to the audience to tell us how they want to watch the movies. More people go see these films in 2-D, and so it’s difficult data to interpret. And I certainly don’t want to shoot in a format just to charge people a higher ticket price.”

Nolan, being one of the most successful modern filmmakers, has the clout in the industry to make these demands of the studio he works for (in this case, Warner Bros.). It will be interesting to see whether his stance has any take around Hollywood at large, as 3D ticketing has been declining in the post-Avatar landscape. Could 3D just be a passing fad? Do you actually like the format? Sound off in the comments!