A Catching Fire photo we shared with you via a magazine scan last month is now available in high-res. Most importantly, we get a better look at Effie’s dress.

As we speculated on May 28, this photo appears to be during the party in the Capitol at President Snow’s residence. Effie (Elizabeth Banks) and Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) may be watching Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and Plutarch Heavensbee (Philip Seymour Hoffman) sharing a dance.

Click the photo for full size!

High-res stills have been appearing slowly over the past few months. For example, we’ve seen Plutarch in Snow’s office and Katniss, Peeta, and Effie on their way in to Snow’s party. and most recently Lionsgate relaunched Capitol Couture. The fashion magazine offers glimpses into the looks you’ll see at the Capitol this fall. The first issue includes a feature on Effie where we see her daily routine when she’s “not in front of the cameras.”

Lawrence and director Francis Lawrence attended a photo call at Cannes last month and spoke about what’s new with this film. “Visually it’s a lot bigger this time,” said Jennifer Lawrence. “We get a lot deeper into the Capitol, and Katniss is trying her new life, trying to get her life back together after the Games and suffering from post traumatic stress.”

Said director Francis Lawrence, “My style is a little different in terms of the way that I photograph things and some of the costumes have grown and changed a little bit. It was a fun and I think I bought my own stamp on it but still stayed true to the world that was created.”

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire debuts in theaters on November 22.