There’s only six hours to go until the worldwide release of J.K. Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy, but if you really want to get a head start, there is a way.

Apple’s United States iBookstore is currently offering a big chunk of the book for absolutely free. Just visit its store on an iOS device and hit the “sample” button to download it. Depending on what device you look at it on (one with a larger screen vs. one with a smaller screen) you’ll see a different number of pages. Looking at the table of contents, you’ll see the sample brings you through a lot of “Part One.”

Compatible iOS devices include iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads with the free iBooks app installed.

We published our official review of The Casual Vacancy earlier today and are largely feeling very positive about it.

Thanks to Jared for his self-proclaimed “protip.”

The Casual Vacancy will be released worldwide Thursday, September 27 at 8 a.m. GMT.