The Guild is an Internet series that embraces lots of fan culture. This year they have Nathan Fillion appearing on an episode.

This isn’t Fillion’s first net only adventure. He’s taken part in the cult classic Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

Video: Season 5 – Episode 6 – Revolving Doors

Buddy TV muses that “It’s pretty cool for an actor busy with a hit show to have the time and the interest to appear in an Internet series (even one as big as The Guild). But Fillion is nothing if not a friend to the geek-oriented culture championed in this series. We are, after all, talking about the man who gained widespread fame (among nerds anyway) as Captain Malcolm Reynolds on Firefly. Just prior to his successful run on ABC’s Castle (which will begin season 4 on September 19), Nathan Fillion cemented his position in the geek pantheon by playing the antagonistic Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.”

Having been to Comic Con, I can attest that Fillion shows up to sign autographs and pose with fans at the California Browncoats’ booth each year. His fans are loyal and run the gamut.

Are you a new fan of Nathan Fillion’s with Castle, or do you go back to Firefly and beyond?