After last week’s return to comedic form, Castle seems to know the way to viewers hearts is to put Nathan Fillion in a room full of small children for it’s upcoming episode 4, “Child’s Play.” Check out the synopsis and episode stills below.

Castle came out swinging last week and hit a homerun with the episode “Clear & Present Danger” and based on the preview and photos below hopes to do the same thing next week.

The official synopsis for Castle season 7, episode 4, “Child’s Play,” is:

“When an ice cream vender is shot, evidence leads Beckett and Castle to believe that an unknown second-grader may have vital information about the case. Castle goes undercover at an elementary school to try and identify the second-grader but nothing goes as planned.”

The guest cast includes Sergei Vetotchkin as Elya Baskin, Bess Rous as Natalie Barnes, David Barrera as Principal Silva, Rachel Eggleston as Emily.

One can only hope that Beckett gets some interaction as well with the young kiddos and feels those motherly stirrings. The world would be a great place with a little Caskett baby, don’t you agree? It would also be nice if maybe while Castle is busy playing fairies, Kate and Alexis had some bonding time.

Check out the images below. Raise your hand if the picture of Castle wearing fairy wings makes your heart flutter outrageously. What could that little girl have to do with the murder? Will Castle and Kate have to protect her from whoever killed their victim?

Did you spot anything interesting in these new Castle photos? Can you contain your excitement as you count down the days, hours, minutes until we get to see Castle play with a fairy wand? One thing is for sure, this week’s Castle has intense promise!