Last night on Castle season 7, episode 15 showed that Richard Castle is truly an asset when it comes to the team and to Beckett. Read the full recap for more.

So much happened in the 48 hours that were last night’s episode and yet now that it’s all over it’s seems pretty simple. Let’s dig in.

We pick up right where we left off and Castle, Espo, and Ryan find Kate’s car with the words “Help Her!” written on the back windshield. While Castle believes/knows that it is Tyson who is behind this, he and Neiman have an alibi. The police get police to follow them both while Tyson continues to pretend to be Boudreau, almost convincing Gates.

Rick can’t stand it and eventually goes back to his apartment, breaks down the door, and pulls a gun on him. Just as he is about to fire it, the police come in and arrest Castle. Boudreau/Tyson decides to press charges and you can just tell by the look he gives Castle that it is him, once and for all.

Gates, who we all know has never had any real love for Castle, tells him that he needs to see the story to save Kate. She never understood what he brought to the team but Kate stood up for him. Gates sees his value now so he needs to stop going rogue and focus. After a couple false starts (a recording from an interview when Castle was missing using Kate’s plea leads them to a phone booth and a phone trace back to their home where he quickly gets Alexis and Mom out of dodge) they finally are able to track the car that took her. After what seems like the shadiest ID of all time the team goes in and as Castle watches, Kate gets shot twice.

But it wasn’t Kate, rather someone picked out by Tyson because she had similar features to her. Rick later gets a call from Tyson, after he and Neiman have slipped their tales, who confirms he is Tyson and that he wants Rick to suffer, watching her die over and over again. He stands in the precinct, seemingly defeated, and also appears to go rogue by visiting Marcus Gates, the cell mate who Tyson convinced to pretend to be 3XK to throw the scent off of him. Castle promises him revenge and gets an address to a place Tyson would go to.

Meanwhile, we see Beckett is being held hostage by Neiman in some sort of makeshift plastic surgery room. While we aren’t sure what exactly is going to happen, it appears that part of their plan is to turn Neiman’s face into Beckett’s. It gets scanned and saved. Neiman does some taunting while Kate is able to slowly unscrew one of the bars of her gurney.

Castle has arrived at the supposed safe house and finds Amy Barrett and puts her in his trunk. While searching the house, he finds a computer monitor where he sees Beckett. Tyson shows up behind him and tasers him. When Castle wakes up, Tyson has his gun and basically gives his evil villain speech. Luckily, Castle is still a boss and has been playing all of us! Back when it looked like he was going rogue, he was actually working with Ryan and Espo. He gives the go ahead and Espo shoots Tyson and Ryan comes in and they get the trace on Kate.

They show up at the place she was being held and find her standing over a dead Neiman. Neiman had been getting worried when she didn’t hear from Tyson so she decided to start cutting Kate’s face and just as her hand went over her face, Kate reached out and grabbed her arm. It was so bad ass. They all head back to the precinct and Gates reveals that while the DA won’t be pressing charges on Castle for his assault with a deadly weapon but he will have to perform 1000 hours of community service, at the precinct. Just like we predicted, Castle is back with Kate and Co. at the 12th.

Back at home, Castle tells Kate he doesn’t know how she managed when he was missing because two days of her gone and he went crazy. Kate seems OK once they start talking and it leads to this adorable exchange where any Caskett fan worth their salt could finish Castle’s sentence.

“Thanks for coming to get me.”

What did you think of ‘Castle’ season 7, episode 15?

Net week returns back to classic comedy Castle with a trip to Mars! Check back in for more info on Castle later in the week!