Last night on Castle it seems that Jerry Tyson, 3XK, may have bested Castle and Co. while endangering one of our own. Read the full recap for more.

We finally have the “return” of Jerry Tyson, the 3XK killer, and his equally murderous girlfriend Dr. Kelly Neiman. And just like we expected, the episode ended with a cliffhanger that we all saw coming but like Castle were helpless to stop.

For most of the episode, the team revisited the past 3XK moments and that part was slightly boring as it took up a majority of the episode. The case kicked off with the murder of Susan Watts, who recently had some work done and resembled previous victims in that she was recently jobless, had a prison background, and had recently come into a good amount of money to work a job that leads nowhere.

Kate convinces the captain to allow Castle to consult on the case. The team tracks down Neiman, who as always denies everything, but it eventually leads them to her lookalike Amy Barrett who is seen getting in a car with someone who looks just like Jerry Tyson. Upon further investigation the team tracks him down to a Michael Boudreau’s address where they catch Tyson. The only catch is that he claims he is Boudreau, not Tyson thought the comparison happens sometimes since he had some plastic surgery.

With all of 3XK’s criminal evidence being stolen in the last episode involving Neiman, Castle and Kate head to his mother’s address to try and see if there is anything there. The mother basically confirms that she was an awful mother and further proving Castle’s theory that Tyson kills because he always wanted to kill her but that would be too obvious. They find a baby tooth and try to use that to prove Tyson is Boudreau.

Meanwhile, Kate reaches out to Amy Barrett who has been warned by Tyson/Boudreau that the police will try to convince her he is a monster. She gives her her card in case she changes her mind. While Kate and Castle wait for the DNA results, Kate get’s a phone call from a scared Amy and she leaves, alone, to go pick her up. All the while we are screaming at our TV that it is a trap, Castle decides to go talk to Tyson/Boudreau one more time to rattle his cage.

Castle tells him about his theory of how Neiman remakes his perfect victim and he gets to kill them like he could never kill his mother. The look of pure evil in his eyes is really something to behold, well done Mike Mosley, and to our dismay Captain Gates walks in and confirms that his DNA is that of one Michael Boudreau. Neiman has been waiting for him to be released and as they hold hands to walk out of the precinct, Castle finally realizes what we had figured out long ago, that it is a trap and Kate went off alone. She gets stabbed in the back with some kind of needle and wheeled away.

As they stand in the elevator, Neiman receives a call that says it’s done and Tyson winks at Castle as he figures out the witness to the murder name is anagram for returned. And scene.

What did you think of ‘Castle’ season 7, episode 14?

The conclusion to the 3XK episode looks like a doozy where Kate’s life might be in very real danger. Check back in for more info on Castle later in the week!