Last night on Castle Rick witnessed a murder but no one believed him. His persistence lead to a surprising case. Read on for the full recap.

This episode had a lot of promise but by the end I was able to easily put the pieces together. But there were character developments to fill in the storyline gaps.

The Case:

Castle’s ex-classmate looks him up and asks him to investigate her husband, whom she believes is cheating on her. He usually doesn’t take these type of cases but he does this time for an old friend. He gets the photographic proof and is bringing it to her house when he hears a scream. He tries in vain to get in the gates and when he does, he sees her dead body being dragged.

He chases the person, who puts the body in a car, to the woods where he gets knocked out. The husband is the prime suspect and once Kate and gang get his mistress to admit he asked her to lie for him, he has no alibi for the night she went “missing”. He claims she called him that morning and took 7.4 million out of his accounts as payment for his cheating.

It looks worse for the husband because his first wife fell off a hiking ravine and the police couldn’t find any proof of foul play and he was their only witness. Castle then believes that she could be alive and he has been played, until her body shows up in the Hudson River.

Lanie, who I feel like we haven’t seen in ages, finds the husband’s hair underneath the victim’s fingernails. When Kate and the area’s cops arrive to arrest him however, they find that he has hung himself. Castle, wrecked with guilt and suspicion, ends up staying all night and heading to his office. Kate joins him in the morning and agrees to track down one more lead that would end up clearing the husband of his wife’s murder.

While that specific lead dries up, because of his suggestion, Kate and Co. looked into two other people: his business partner and his company lawyer. The partner helped the wife fake the murder because he found out that his wife was also having an affair with the husband. But the real killer? The lawyer, who was a sorority sister of the first wife and came back trying to frame him for murder but when the wife got cold feet she ended up killing them both.

Kate and Rick:

Throughout the episode, no one actually believes Castle saw anything but Kate. I’m genuinely surprised that she didn’t have a bigger reaction to his calling her, losing signal, and then calling I’m assuming at least an hour later given her super intense reactions earlier in the season to his disappearance.

She technically solves this case but she wouldn’t have been able to do it without Castle, yet again proving his value.

Epso and Ryan:

The comic relief for the night, and usually any episode, comes again for our favorite guy detectives.

Turns out that Ryan and Jenny and Espo and Lanie were supposed to go away for an upcoming weekend. But now that the latter two are no longer together, they are concerned. So Ryan ends up setting Espo up with a stunning woman, thanks to an assist from Kate. Bit of a snag though because Javi finds out that she knows way too much about him because he is on, under an account that Jenny and Ryan set up for him.

He ends up getting another date from the site, but from a girl that Ryan rejected due to her exotic dancing job. Poor Ryan!

What did you think of ‘Castle’ season 7, episode 13?

Next week finally brings back 3XK and his killer lady love. Check back in for more info on Castle later in the week!