A new trailer for the highly anticipated release of Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess was unveiled this morning!

The book is the last of three in The Infernal Devices trilogy and will hit store shelves March 19. Watch the trailer over on Entertainment Weekly. The synopsis is below:

So goes the narration in the short but sweet trailer: “My name is Tessa Gray. Let me tell you a story. There was a girl who loved a boy who was dying. She was torn by her love for another, who’s heart would die with him. Above all, the girl wanted to know who she was. The only man who could tell her was her worst enemy. If you could save the ones you love by damning the world, would you? I would. The clock is ticking. Everyone must choose.”

EW notes that the actress who plays Tessa in the trailer is the same woman who appears on the cover of the book. Nice! Meanwhile, The Mortal Instruments movie hits theaters this August.