Ships this week are lead by Caryl, Outlaw Queen, Ezeria, and more. Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Girls’ – All Aboard Jessa & Ace

Passengers: Jessa and Ace

Sunset Cruise: Jessa may have brought Mimi Rose into Adam’s life and ruined Hannah’s by extension, but it was all to satisfy her desire to hook up with Mimi Rose’s ex-beau, Ace.

Ship Status: Jessa is sadly doing a solo harbor cruise on the SS Scary Delusion. Her plan fails as Ace is still set on rekindling his love affair after Adam inevitably breaks it off with Mimi Rose.

Via: Tumblr

‘Looking’ – All Aboard Patrick & Kevin

Passengers: Patrick & Kevin

Sunset Cruise: Well, he finally did it. Kevin left John. Just as Patrick was giving up hope in the Richie and Kevin departments, the affair is over and Kevin arrives on Patrick’s stoop with the news that he is committed to making their relationship the priority.

Ship Status: Well, break out the party hats because other failed and ill advised cruises (Kevin and alcohol anyone?) have sunk. The ship that was meant to be is leaving port as everyone watching from the dock chants, “Don’t screw it up.”

Via: Tumblr

‘The Walking Dead’ – All Aboard Caryl

Passengers: Daryl and Carol

Sunset Cruise: After reaching the ASZ Carol goads Daryl about his stinky situation and threatens to wash his signature vest and hose him down in his sleep. Daryl in turn tells Carol her outfit looks ridiculous.

Ship Status: Call this one playful banter on the the USS Foreplay, no one else cared about how Daryl looked, and Daryl might be saying that Carol looks ridiculous, but his eyes follow her all the way off the porch and down the block.

Via: Tumblr

On page 2: ‘Gotham,’ ‘Once Upon a Time,’ and ‘Pretty Little Liars’

‘Gotham’ – All Aboard Edward & Kristen

Passengers: Edward Nygma and Kristen Kringle

Sunset Cruise: It looked like things were moving forward for Nygma and Kringle, she admitted her mistake in dating Flass. This finally gave Nygma the courage to ask her out on a date!

Ship Status: We were cheering seeing the harbor preparations, vessel being stocked, and then Edward finds out that Kristen was going out with another officer instead. Ouch, Kristen. Time to put this one back in dry dock.

Via: Tumblr

‘Once Upon a Time’ – All Aboard Outlaw Queen

Passengers: Regina and Robin

Sunset Cruise: Robin may no longer be in Storybrooke, but he is certainly not out of Regina’s mind. Emma finds the missing storybook page that Robin referred to as the hope for his and Regina’s happy ending. But before they can make that hope a reality, they must find the author of the book.

Ship Status: Out of sight is not out of mind here. If the villains can cross the line maybe Robin will too on a reunion cruise..

Via: Tumblr

‘Pretty Little Liars’ – All Aboard Ezria

Passengers: Aria and Ezra

Sunset Cruise: After a few weeks of not knowing where they stand, Aria and Ezra put the final nail in the coffin that was their relationship. It was a bittersweet goodbye, as they both knew that this moment was inevitable in order for Aria to go off the college.

Ship Status: While we don’t think this will be the last we will see of Ezria, it definitely gives Aria the chance to explore other options, namely Andrew. We’ve got multiple vessels in the harbor here, and no one is paying that much attention to where they are steering. We are thinking there’ll be an inevitable collision course in the future.

Via: Tumblr

Which ship was your favorite this week?