Fans won’t have to wait until Captain Marvel hits theaters to get a taste of what Brie Larson will bring to the role. According to an incredibly reliable source, the superhero will be making her big screen debut in Avengers 4!

News of Captain Marvel’s involvement in the upcoming Infinity War sequel comes from none other than the Black Widow actress herself, Scarlett Johansson.

In a new interview with Vanity Fair, Johansson confirmed Brie Larson’s involvement in Avengers 4, saying that she’s already been on set with the rest of the cast.

“She’s so great,” said Johansson of Larson, who also went on to say that the actress is using Avengers 4 as a means of getting her “feet wet” before embarking on the highly anticipated Captain Marvel solo movie.

In addition to confirming Larson’s appearance in the sequel, Johansson also shared a fun story of her time on set with the actress.

“A really cute thing happened the other day where Hulk is standing next to her and [Avengers 4 co-director] Joe Russo told her to put her hand in front of Mark [Ruffalo]’s face to stop him, and she’s like, ‘In front of his face?’ And they explained, ‘that’s where his chest is,’ and she looks up and yells, ‘I’m new! I’m new!’” recounted Johansson.

As cute as Johansson’s story about Larson is, it also holds some key information with regard to the fate of two of the Avengers.

There’s no denying from the new Avengers: Infinity War trailer that the deathly threat Thanos poses to our favorite superheroes is palpable.

Though there’s no telling who will survive the first battle, the fact that Johansson revealed during her chat with Vanity Fair that both she and Ruffalo have already spent time with Larson on set means that we’ll be seeing both of them in the Infinity War sequel.

As for the rest of the Avengers, we guess we’ll have to wait until next summer to find out if they survive or not.

As excited as we are for Avengers: Infinity War to hit theaters in May of 2018, we’re definitely looking forward to seeing what Larson brings to the mix when she joins the cast for the sequel!

Avengers 4 is expected to hit theaters sometime in 2019.

[H/T: IGN]