Spandex is finally back in Captain America: Civil War’s new trailer, giving us our first look at Spider-Man in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe.

Throughout the years we’ve had many Spider-Man suits, as it’s always a rite of passage for the new Peter Parker to develop lame looking suits at first, and then finally end up with an amazing looking suit. We’ve taken a look at the three different suits in Spider-Man movies over the last 14 years. Be sure to vote for your favorite of the three cinematic suits in the poll at the end of the article.

Marvel’s new Captain America: Civil War trailer featured our first look at Tom Holland as Spider-Man, and he’s wearing a new Spidey suit which looked a little rough CGI-wise. The one exciting thing was seeing his eyes as they changed shape at the end of the trailer. Deadpool’s costume had a similar feature which made the character’s face much more expressive.

This seems to hint towards a very different type of Spider-Man suit, which Tony Stark has obviously helped him build due to the fact that Peter is in his early teens here. Somehow Stark finds out about this superhero and helps him builds a very interesting suit, and giving him the ability to adjust his eyes is a possibly superhero feature which is only available due to Stark’s help.

While some fans have shown concern over the quality of the suit in Thursday’s trailer, it’s very possible that this is an early version of the suit’s CGI, which just means they’ve yet to finalize the visual effects for the film.

It’s very common to see trailers with some rough visual effects, as studios will literally have their CGI companies working on the film until the last minute until its theatrical release.

Despite the concerns, the suit actually seems to blend well into the film alongside the other superheroes. There were rumors that Iron Man actually develops the suit for Peter Parker in the storyline, and while we’re unsure if this is true or not, Iron Man does seem to have Spidey on his side.

When Spider-Man finally appears, we see him swing in and snatch Cap’s shield from him as he essentially handcuffs Captain America’s hands together, and then he says, “Hey everyone.”

Iron Man basically introduces everyone, including the other superheroes, to Spider-Man for the first time. It’s nothing like I thought Thursday’s trailer would be, but it’s perfect in a way that Spider-Man is clearly different than the rest of the superheroes, who are all veterans, while he’s just a teenager.

Captain America: Civil War is setting up Spider-Man for all of his future solo movies, and hearing Iron Man say, “Alright, I’ve run out of patience,” as he calls for Spider-Man to swing in is pretty hilarious, considering how intense this battle has been built up between Cap and Iron Man.

So, while we probably don’t have the finalized look at Spider-Man’s new suit in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, let us know which Spider-Man suit you like the most so far out of Tobey MaGuire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland’s Spidey suits in the poll below.

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Let us know in the comments which Spider-Man suit you voted for!