Despite the massively difficult legality of getting Spider-Man into a Marvel film, Civil War directors Anthony and Joe Russo reveal that the web-slinger was always a part of their script.

We’ve gone through over a year of talking about how Spider-Man would finally get a chance to be in a Marvel film, and now that we’re approaching Captain America: Civil War, we’re hearing from the directors that they always had Spider-Man in their script, but had told the studio they had a plan B.

Anthony Russo revealed at Comic-Con Experience in Brazil, “From the second we had the idea to do the story of Civil War, Spider-Man was a part of the story. It was a very complicated business arrangement for Marvel Studios to be able to use Spider-Man from Sony. So, we were always told by Marvel ‘Don’t count on it, you may not get to use Spider-Man, so you better have a plan B’ And we were like ‘Okay, we get it, we have a plan B if don’t get Spider-Man; we’ll figure the movie out”

It’s certainly interesting that the directors planned on having Spider-Man, even a year or more before Marvel and Sony finalized a deal which allows the character to appear in Marvel’s films. They had a lot of guts to plan a film with Spider-man in it, considering it looked like there wasn’t even a slim chance of Marvel getting back the character rights.

Russo continued, saying, “But the truth is, we never had a plan B. We only have envisioned the movie with Spider-Man. He was always a part of the story. It was very important to us to reintroduce the character. We cast him young, Tom Holland is a young actor; a teen himself, and we really liked playing into that nature of the character and we think it makes him very special in the universe of the Marvel characters. I think people are really gonna love Spider-Man in this film.”

Tom Holland seems like a great choice, and the directors obviously took a lot of time to find the right actor for the role. It’s incredibly surprising that they didn’t actually have a plan B for the film, considering most assumed that Sony would never let go of the rights.

And to be truthful, Sony still hasn’t let go completely, they still have certain control over the character and there were rumors that the reason it took so long to cast Tom Holland as Spider-Man was because Sony and Marvel were finding it impossible to work together on casting the character.

Spider-Man is supposedly going to bring some comic relief to a very serious Captain America: Civil War, and we imagine fans will not only be going to see Civil War, but to see Spider-Man for the first time in Marvel’s cinematic universe.

Captain America: Civil War will be released on May 6, 2016.