Learn more about Scarlet Witch’s role in Captain America: Civil War in this featurette teasing Marvel’s Phase Three!

Marvel’s Phase Two concluded with Ant-Man earlier this year, and Civil War marks the beginning of Phase Three.

It is therefore very appropriate that a new tantalizing featurette promises that “nothing will be the same” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The featurette was released by EW, ahead of Marvel Studios’ Phase Two Blu-ray box set, which hits stores today:

In the featurette, we catch a few new glimpses at Civil War, that weren’t revealed in the first trailer.

Specifically, the role of Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch is elaborated: “We see exactly how powerful she is,” says Kevin Feige, with Olsen adding, “she has more understanding of her skills, and she has quite a great emotional journey in this one.”

Related: Black Panther’s role in Captain America: Civil War revealed

Says co-director Joe Russo, “In Captain America: Civil War, we’re looking at the repercussions of all of the Marvel movies up to this point.”

We learn more about the Superhuman Registration Act central to the conflict between Steve (Chris Evans) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr). “Cap believes there’s one course of action they should take, and Tony believes there’s another,” executive producer Nate Moore explains.

Joe Russo promises that Civil War is, “going to challenge the way you think about Tony Stark; it’s going to challenge the way you think about Steve Rogers, and when you come out of that film, nothing will be the same.

“It’s not villain versus hero, it’s friends; it’s family,” says Chris Evans.

‘Captain America: Civil War’ hits cinemas on May 6, 2016