Last week we were introduced to Lily Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries, a vampire who’s ripped up so many people that the Gemini Coven had to imprison her. Now that she’s free, though, can we trust her?

Here are the facts: Lily Salvatore faked her death in 1858 when she turned into a vampire. She, allegedly, had no plans to flee from her home until she visited Stefan in his sleep, where the urge to feed on her son was so strong she had no option but to leave. She migrated over to Europe where she then proceeded to kill thousands of humans, ripping them apart (much like Stefan did in the ’20s) and leaving a trail of dead bodies behind her. On her trip back to New York in 1903 she was caught by the Gemini Coven and trapped in her own prison world for the sake of everyone else’s safety.

That’s what we know, all told to us by Kai as he explained the situation to Damon. Anything else about Lily Salvatore we’ve learned either directly from her or by watching her in 1903, and we’ve decided to take everything she says with a grain of salt.

Why? Because as far as we know the Gemini Coven doesn’t go and make prison worlds all willy-nilly. There are only two in existence: Kai’s 1994 world, and Lily’s 1903, so excuse us if we don’t immediately trust the woman who has slaughtered up to 4,000 people in the past 157 years.

Now that we’ve established just how dangerous Lily Salvatore is, or was, we can list out the things that she’d told us about herself. Your job is to figure out if you trust her or not based on the facts.

According to Lily she just had a hard time, and has put her murderous past behind her. This, as far a stretch as it sounds, is more believable to us given Stefan’s own change of heart after being a ripper himself. When Damon offered to take her back home, however, she sprung a surprise that no one saw coming: She wanted to bring the six other people that were trapped with her back home as well.

These six individuals, currently unnamed, were trapped with Lily for reasons we still don’t understand. Perhaps they too were rippers and together the seven of them were a gang so dangerous the Gemini Coven had no other option but to trap them in their own world. But what confused us is their current state: Completely and totally desiccated.

Lily and her friends had killed every animal they came across in their prison world to come up with enough blood to survive. By the time Damon, Elena, Bonnie and Kai got to her, they were left with only half a jar that Lily was feeding herself from with only two drops of blood a day. The others? Well, according to Mama Salvatore, she says they sacrificed their rations for her. We find that hard to swallow.

Why would six other vampires willingly put themselves through something as painful as desiccation just for Lily’s survival? Unless they truly were the closest group of vampires ever, we figure there’s more to the story than Lily’s telling. Plus the fact that she’s so attached to them makes us wonder if her killing days are really over. Maybe Lily is so desperate to go back to the prison world because once she saves her friends she knows they’ll be unstoppable once again.

Whatever the case may be, it’s only a matter of time until Lily does go back to discover that her friends are awake thanks to Kai. So what will she do next?

Do you trust Lily Salvatore on ‘The Vampire Diaries?’