What others don’t understand is that BTS and ARMY are a family and when we all come together it’s a beautiful thing.

It’s hard to put into words what it’s exactly like being at a BTS concert. You can be told time and time again how amazing it is to go see them live but you won’t actually understand what that means until you actually experience it yourself.

And for those attending the concert that are ARMYS, and not just casual viewers going to see BTS, it’s an experience on a completely other level.

There’s no denying that BTS is massively popular and dominating the world right now. That’s just a fact. That doesn’t mean that it always feels that way on a daily basis though.

We don’t often get to hear BTS played on the radio, for many of us we don’t get to see other fans in person on the regular, and although they’re becoming more widely known by the general public more often than not it still seems like people have no idea who they are.

That’s why going to a BTS concert kind of feels like an out of body experience, but a good one. It’s almost a shock at first to be surrounded by other ARMYs but once that feeling settles in it’s amazing.

When concert reviewers go to watch BTS they don’t often talk about the experience created by ARMYs, and I think that’s a shame. Because this fandom is lovely and they make the concert even better.

Of course we’re all there to see BTS and that’s what it’s really about. Enjoying their music, enjoying watching them have fun on stage, and enjoying having them talk with us.

But coming together with other ARMYs and having the whole event feel like we’re one big family together is another feeling that I will never be able to forget. Most days we may only get to talk to each other over the internet and share our passion for BTS in that way, but just for one night we all got to be connected in the same place.

It didn’t matter that I didn’t know anyone in my section outside of the person that I brought with me, everyone quickly became friends.

There was a group of girls behind us who we might have become friends for life even though we never got their names. Because I won’t forget how much we were able to joke around with them and all laugh together.

A young girl came with her father and sat beside us, since they showed up late we told them where they could go buy their ARMY bombs. I also gave the girl one of our Speak Yourself banners because she hadn’t been able to get one and I knew she’d love it.

There was a couple sitting to the other side of us, and they were dancing so fearlessly that it helped me to come out of my shell a little bit. Because I suffer from anxiety, I always get nervous about how I’m behaving out around others. Her energy and happiness helped me to let go of that worry and just have fun like all the others.

And it’s always refreshing to get a look into the diversity of our fandom. So often ARMYs are put into a box of just being teenagers but that’s not the case at all when you see us all in action. There were plenty of groups of older ARMYs in action there, and not just ones that were there with their kids.

You see such a blend of races that I feel like you don’t often get to see at other events. BTS really does bring all kinds of people together and it’s an amazing feeling.

I was happy to see the group of guys that all came together too. They looked a little nervous when they first took their seats but as the show started they were having a blast right along with everyone else in the crowd.

I even chatted with some random ARMYs waiting in line at some point. A girl that had been to other concerts in this tour were telling us all about it. And we all got to share nervous excitement together as BTS started to tweet before the show started.

I definitely haven’t had this much fun at any concert prior, and I think that’s all thanks to the atmosphere created by BTS and ARMYs. Thank to you to BTS and everyone at Metlife for a perfect night.