Burn The Stage: The Movie is the first movie from global stars BTS, which gives a breathtaking and laugh out loud look at the band’s lives on tour.

Update (Friday, November 23): Encoring showings of Burn The Stage: The Movie have been added on for December 5, and December 6! You can get more information on the official website!

Editors note: There are some spoilers in this review! Please don’t read if you’re trying to avoid learning about any scenes within the film.

Burn The Stage: The Movie is an emotional roller coaster that all fans should experience. Many have already seen the documentary version that was released on YouTube Premium, but the movie is a completely different experience and not just because you have to go to a theater to watch it.

Unlike the documentary, Burn The Stage: The Movie is a great film for anyone to watch — even those that may not be as familiar with BTS.

Because of the way the film was formatted and edited differently it’s open to a broader audience. For those that still have friends and family that might be doubting what makes this band so great, the movie is a great way to show them why BTS has such loyal fans.

Burn The Stage: The Movie not only does a great job of highlighting their performances from The Wings tour, but also shows all their hard work behind the scenes. As well as each of their down to earth personalities when they have free time.

There’s a great scene somewhere around the middle of the film that has all of the band members enjoying some time off together at a house. They basically have a good old fashioned barbecue party complete with fun in the pool, drinking, and of course dancing.

This side of BTS is what many fans go crazy for. It’s what sets them apart from many other artists, and it’s something that wasn’t shown a ton of in the documentary. Burn The Stage: The Movie did a much better job at balancing the groups fun times along with their struggles.

It allows viewers to appreciate everything they’ve been through, their continued efforts, as well as laugh along with the boys antics. The crowd cried, laughed, and cheered.

Amazingly, the movie didn’t at all feel like a repackaged version of the documentary. There was so much new content that was shown that it really does stand by itself. It makes me wonder why they didn’t just give the movie a whole new name.

Undoubtedly one of the scenes that got the biggest reaction from the crowd was Yeontan’s introduction. That adorable little puppy has stolen the hearts of BTS and ARMY everywhere. It’s not a very long scene, but the impact was clear. It’s surely going to be something that fans will continue to keep talking about.

I also loved the behind the scenes footage they shows of BTS reacting to getting invited to the Billboard Music Awards and the American Music Awards. It showed their humble side with their disbelief of how far they’ve come mixed in with their funny jokes afterwards about being Billboard artists.

Some other great scenes included a little shopping trip that the band members went on while they were in New York. Some of the members got to go clothes shopping, while Yoongi was ecstatic to go shopping with Jin for music equipment. They also got to chow down on their favorite NYC delicacy, hot dogs.

While practicing for a show, the guys also took the chance to try out each other’s solo songs. Watching the rappers and vocalist try to switch roles had the whole crowd cracking up. And it’s nice to see how they can even turn work into fun, since they’re always busy doing something.

Some of the harder scenes to watch included the injuries that the band members sustained while on tour. Of course fans of the documentary are well aware of some of the things they had going on, including Jungkook basically passing out while they were in Chile.

It does show a bit of that, as well as Jimin’s frustrations with having vocal issues. But they also showed some new things we didn’t see in the documentary, including Namjoon being treated for a shin injury and Jimin dealing with an ankle injury after falling.

There’s also a cute montage of older video clips of the band in 2013 to show just how far they’ve come over the years. It’s a nice little flashback moment for existing ARMYs and would also serve as a good lesson for anyone less familiar with the band.

Another major difference in the movie is how they included interviews with the members. In the documentary they’re sprinkled throughout each episode. But in Burn The Stage: The Movie they are saved until the end, and completely new.

There was so much to take in, that someone could easily watch the movie a few times over and still be awed. I’m sure that I’m already forgetting things that I just watched which is really a shame considering how limited the screenings are.

There was only one time for each of the three days it played at my nearest location (about 40 minutes away from where I live) and the theater was packed. I thought that since I was going on the last day that most of the fans in the area had probably already seen it. But it was difficult to find a seat!

It would be great if theaters expanded the viewings for more days, even for those that have already seen the movie and want the chance to go a second or third time.

Big Hit hasn’t revealed if they’ll be releasing Burn The Stage: The Movie on DVD and Blu-ray yet, but I really think that they should. Not only will this make it so that all fans have access to the movie but also so that others can rewatch it over and over again!

However if you do have the chance to go see this in theaters, I highly suggest that you do.

Burn The Stage: The Movie began limited screenings on November 15, for more information head over to the official website.