Bryan Cranston just appeared on The Tonight Show and inadvertently revealed he doesn’t know what a “badonkadonk” is.

Bryan Cranston was on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to promote his upcoming blockbuster Godzilla and to talk about playing Lyndon B. Johnson in the Broadway production of All the Way.

While on the show he and Fallon played a game called “Word Sneak.” The rules of the game are simple: each person gets five words that they have to sneakily (or not so sneakily) drop into the conversation.

Watch the video below:

The game is a fairly clever one, and seeing Fallon and Cranston attempt to make it through the bit without laughing too hard is enjoyable. The words are highly varied words that would be hard to get into any conversation, and this works well. Fallon laughs his way through “dungarees,” “slip ‘n’ slide,” “lake titicaca,” and “Patrick Duffy.” Cranston, on the other hand, laughs through the words “spork,” “guacamole,” and “Wade Boggs,” and it comes as no surprise that he’s able to work them into the conversation more naturally than Fallon.

But when the word “badonkadonk” came up for Cranston, he had no idea what it was. He said it as something like “badacondonk,” thinking the word could be maybe be some creature. This makes Questlove laugh hysterically.

It’s clear that Cranston doesn’t read UrbanDictionary. If he did, he would have recognized badonkadonk as “An ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes into a round and juicy posterior (e.g., 34c, 24, 38). Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage (i.e, depth of butt-crack),” the most popular definition for the word.

But now, unfortunately, Cranston knows that the word exists along with millions watching at home that may not have recognized the word either. We like to believe in a world where silly words like “badonkadonk” aren’t in the vocabularies of the masses; worlds where proper English still exists. LOL, OMG, what are we talking about?

Did you like the game ‘Word Sneak’?