Its time for the Nine-Nine to participate in the Department of Defense’s anti-terrorism drill on Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 2, episode 15, “Windbreaker City.” Paintball guns are involved.

Our team is working among federal departments such as I.C.E. and Homeland security for the drill tonight. Nick Kroll guest stars as Homeland Agent Kendrick, the leader of the drill who is not too fond of the Nine-Nine. He points out that because they are NYPD cops, they are ‘below’ the rest of the teams. Because of this, they are assigned to take on the role of hostages.

Jake, Terry and Boyle are taped down into their seats in one room, while Amy, Rosa, Hitchcock and Scully are located in another room in the building. Unable to accept their fate, Jake and Boyle break free and end up breaking out by “shooting” the terrorists with their paintball guns. They go on to free their friends and take the “terrorists” hostage.

That can’t be the end of the drill, though, right? Right. Boyle sees Jake suffering, waiting for a text from Sophia that will never come, and takes charge to make him feel better. Instead of grabbing a drink, Charles suggests they continue the drill and gives a great, if uncharacteristic, speech about teamwork.

Kendrick tries to call off the drill, but Jake goads him into continuing on with new rules. The drill will not end until one of them is dead.

Throughout the episode, Amy and Rosa have been battling over who gets to take Saturday off. Amy has tickets to attend a TED talk on power poses and Rosa supposedly has plans to have dinner with her parents. In order to solve the dilemma, Jake suggests whoever has more fake kills during the drill wins. Game on.

In the end, even though he gets shot, it was a win for Jake, who had been so distracted all day he didn’t even have time to check his phone. Amy does win initially, but after Rosa says she’s having dinner with her parents to introduce them to Marcus, she concedes the day off to her friend.

Back in the precinct, Gina plans to make Holt take a psych test for her class at school. Side note: who knew Gina was in school? Was this a plot thread that was dropped somewhere along the way?

Holt is categorized as INC3G6, “Robust sense of self, strength, tenacity, leadership,” and Gina is thrilled to note she got the same result. Dubious, Holt presents Gina with a box of sweets — square blondies and circle cookies. When she goes for the cookie, he calls her out: she said her favorite shape was squares on the test. She’s hurt he would think she’d lie on the test, but Holt gets his revenge by assigning her more work since she has all the qualities of a INC3G6. Be careful what you wish for, Gina.

Tonight’s episode dealt a lot of with segmenting groups and looking at what and how people try to define others they may or may not identify with. Agent Kendrick looked down at the NYPD because they weren’t a federal group, and Holt tried to disprove Gina’s psych test results because he doesn’t think they should be in the same group.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’?