Those lucky kids over in the United Kingdom get to watch Broadchurch season 2 throughout January and February. What about us Americans?

Americans had to watch the first season of Broadchurch several months after it premiered on ITV, and the same thing goes for the second season.

Broadchurch season 2 will air on BBC America in the United States beginning Wednesday, March 4, 2015. The show, starring Doctor Who alum David Tennant (working amongst other Who alums), will air weekly at 10 p.m. eastern/pacific.

Series 2 premiered in the U.K. on Monday, January 5, so the gap between the two start dates isn’t the worse delay in the world. The show hit the ground running with several big surprises – none of which we’ll spoil here. If you can’t wait to find out how the second season begins, check out our review of episode 1!

Broadchurch isn’t to be confused with Gracepoint, the copy cat show that also stars Tennant. Gracepoint suffered low ratings during its run on Fox and lacked the same excitement as the original, so we don’t expect it to be renewed for season 2.

Luckily, American viewers will get to see the good version of this whodunit drama on BBC America.

Check out a spoiler-free trailer for Broadchurch season 2 below: