On Saturday night a couple of friends and I went to see the new Judd Apatow comedy Bridesmaids starring one of my favorite comediennes, Kristen Wiig. I had been anticipating this movie since I first saw the trailer in front of Scream 4 and was really excited!

After my friends and I got to our seats in the very humid and uncomfortable theatre in Times Square, we sat down and prepared for some laughs. And I can tell you that I have never laughed harder in a movie theatre in my entire life. In fact, it may be the hardest I’ve laughed at a movie ever!

It’s no secret that Kristen Wiig is one of my favorite SNL performers to have ever graced the famous stage at 30 Rock, so there is some level of bias there. But I can’t imagine the entire sold out theatre full of people were as huge of fans, and they were all laughing along with me!

The ensemble cast itself really stole the show. Yes, Kristen Wiig was unbelievably hilarious, but Maya Rudolph and Melissa McCarthy were fantastic as well. It was the perfect balance of female actors and comedy that probably hasn’t been funny since the Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion days (another one of my all-time favorites).

There’s a stigma in the movie industry that when women are leads in movies the movies never do as well. I have to say that this movie should silence all of these critics. Not only did they hold the movie, but the ensemble cast married comedy and acting together better than most romantic comedy actresses ever have (keep in mind this is Kristen Wiig’s first feature film).

I can’t remember the last time I’ve left the theatre wiping tears, and trying to control my breathing from laughing this hard. A lot of people thought that The Hangover was the funniest comedy of the last 10 years, but I didn’t think it was that funny at all. In my opinion, Bridesmaids was a million times funnier.

So if you were on the fence about seeing this movie, I highly suggest you stop everything you are doing and go see it. It will make you feel much better and probably leave you hoping Kristen Wiig will hurry up and make another movie!