Every Friday for the next few months, Twilight fansites (including Twilight Source/Hypable) will publish a new interview with a new face to be seen in Breaking Dawn – Part 2!

Our first interview is with Casey LaBow who plays Kate in the Denali coven.

This week, the interview is published in full on BellaAndEdward.com. Below is a sample:

Q: Can you tell us about your audition process for the role of Kate?

A: I believe it was five [auditions], if I remember correctly, it was four or five. Initially, they didn’t tell us which part was for, it was for a “Russian sister.” We weren’t given the exact specifications and we were given these fake scenes that were sort of relevant to the story but weren’t actually from the script. They were sort of this rewrite to make it ambiguous so we wouldn’t know who it was, because if you didn’t get the part they didn’t want you walking away with any plot details. I went back in several different times, they wanted me to do different things like straighten my hair because they thought it looked too much like somebody else, then they gave me some new material. There were a lot of people who had to make the decision and everyone had to come in line. It was my part they had some trouble with because according to Maggie [Grace] and MyAnna [Buring] they just sent tapes in and several weeks later found out they got the role. I didn’t have as easy of a time getting the job.

Q: At what point did you first meet Lee Pace and what was it like working with him?

A: I absolutely adore that man, he is just a delight! You have to get really close to a person when they’re playing your lover, and we just got along right away. I met him on set the first day and the first scene we shot together we had already progressed quickly through the love story so we had to pull it all together right away.

Breaking Dawn – Part 2 will be released in theaters November 16, 2012.