Since last Sunday’s new episode of Breaking Bad, fans have been wondering how Gus knew to not enter his car after Walt had secretly bugged it.

In a new interview with actor Giancarlo Esposito we get some nice clarification!

From TV Line:

TVLINE | I first wanted to talk to you about last week’s parking garage scene. I’m curious what the scene direction said in the script.

Everyone’s into that scene! [Laughs] I pay close attention to the scene direction on Breaking Bad, specifically because I fashion Gus to be a character who says very little yet says more, and I think they really caught onto that. Sometimes when young actors start in film they don’t read the scene direction because they limit your performance and tell you what to do and think, but in this case they inform me what the creators and writers are thinking, since I don’t get any information prior. But the scene direction in the parking garage describes the whole scene, that Walt is there on another rooftop although Gus does not know it. I read and understood it completely, and knew that I had to rely on my instincts to tell me what to do. Some people are talking about this “Spidey sense” Gus has — “How did he know?”

TVLINE | Right, the conversation has been, “Is it that he saw something? Or was he simply thinking while looking around, and came to some realization?”

[Arriving at the hospital] my intention is to get Jesse to come back and cook; I don’t think about the car. But when he comes back [to the garage], he realizes he left no one guarding the car, so all of a sudden he looks at his car a little differently. Folks are like, “Did he see something?” No! Gus listens to his inside gut, and something is just off. He can feel a sense that someone is watching him. There’s no glare off of Walt’s glasses, he doesn’t see a f—ing thing! He just knows that there is some presence there. That’s how good this guy is.

This writer didn’t suspect Gus ever saw Walt since it never looked like the two made eye contact. Don’t forget that Breaking Bad’s season finale (sadly) airs tomorrow night at 10 PM ET/PT on AMC!