With Breaking Bad now in our past (we’re still reeling from this past Sunday’s finale), all eyes are on the spinoff titled Better Call Saul.

In a new interview with Salon.com, Saul actor Bob Odenkirk shed a little more light on the forthcoming Breaking Bad spinoff starring the colorful and witty lawyer Saul Goodman.

“Vince Gilligan and the writers will make the ultimate decision,” Odenkirk said, “But Vince has told me, the last time he talked to me, he said that it will be slightly more dark than it is funny. That’s an interesting balance to strike. And I’m excited.”

Related: Watch Breaking Bad’s series finale final scene.

Sony and AMC greenlit Better Call Saul in mid-September and around the same time announced a Walking Dead spinoff as well as a decision to split the final season of Mad Men in to two pieces airing a year apart. These decisions all amount to AMC wanting to prolong their most successful franchises, which is why we’re not surprised to hear that the Breaking Bad spinoff may be dark like its predecessor starring Walter White.

Since the spinoff is a prequel, it could also open the door for various cameos including ones from beloved characters like Gus. Giancarlo Esposito said in a recent interview he would love to return if Gilligan and his team would have him.

A release date for Better Call Saul hasn’t been set yet.