An inside look at the making of Breaking Bad’s final eight episodes depicts a copy of a script with the episode title “Felina.”

The video featurette titled “How Will It End?” asks various cast members to predict what kind of outcome Breaking Bad will have when we watch the final episodes beginning August 11. For example, Betsy Brandt makes it clear that she’s on Team Hank. Aaron Paul suggests that it’s “not going to end pretty.”

At one point, we see Brandt holding a copy of the script with an episode titled “Felina.” To at least one of our writers, it looks like the episode number is 5.16, meaning the Breaking Bad series finale.

We would’ve shared the video here, but it was taken down by Best Buy on Wednesday morning. Further proof that the episode title is legitimate? Look at the shot of the script for yourself:

“Felina” is a word that means cat-like, but our guess is that this is an anagram for “Finale.” This could also be the working title of the final Breaking Bad episode. It’s not uncommon for a production to hold off on titling an episode after it gets shot.

In addition to the Breaking Bad season finale’s possible title, the video featurette included several shots of the cast hard at work filming scenes. In these screencaps from the video we see Walt, Saul, Jesse, Hank, Marie, and Sklyer in emotional looking scenes.

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Breaking Bad’s final eight episodes, more easily referred to as Breaking Bad season 6, premieres Sunday, August 11 on AMC. Yesterday we saw the first teaser poster for the show which warms, “All bad things must come to an end.”