Under the Empyrean Sky is the first novel in the Heartland Trilogy by Chuck Wendig, and it certainly starts the series off with a bang.

Under the Empyrean Sky follows Cael McAvoy as he lives life in the Heartland, scavenging for parts, sneaking off with his childhood sweeheart, and keeping the corn at bay.

Yes, the corn.

There are plenty of villains in this book, but none are quite as interesting or unpredictable as the corn. The Empyrean control everything the Heartlanders do, and that includes which plants they grow. They’re only allowed to grow one crop, and that’s Hiram’s Golden Prolific, which isn’t even edible.

The corn moves of its own volition, which is scary enough, but it’s not the only thing Cael and his friends have to deal with. Cael’s girl is slipping away, the mayor’s son has bested him, and his sister has run off again.

But Cael has found something that could change everything. The only question is, is it worth the risk?

Under the Empyrean Sky lays out a dystopian future that seems both fantastical and realistic. You’re instantly thrown into the world, which feels foreign and yet somehow familiar. Wendig is not afraid to build the world from the ground up, and it pays off in the distinct culture that is apparent on every page.

While the setting is certainly noteworthy, the characters are worth your time as well. Each one has a personality that leaps off the page, and you’ll find yourself cheering for Cael, Rigo, and Lane as if you’ve known them your whole life.

Wendig brings his unique style to this novel, which contains a perfect combination of diverse metaphors, beautiful writing and colorful language. If this is your first Wendig book, prepare to be taken over by his distinctive voice. If you’re already a Wendig fan, you won’t be disappointed.

Under the Empyrean Sky releases on July 30, 2013. Add it to your Goodreads list or pre-order it on Amazon today.