When Sarah J. Maas first posted her original work, then titled QUEEN OF GLASS, on FictionPress back in April 2002 it became an instant hit. The story attracted thousands of reviews, emails and comments. When Sarah took the story down in October 2008 to pursue the dreams of getting it published, fans were both heartbroken and unbelievably excited. We were one step closer to holding our beloved story in our hands.

Since then the book has gone through many revisions, edits and even a title change. THRONE OF GLASS is set to be released by Bloomsbury Children’s on August 7th 2012. But to tide hardcore fans over till then Bloomsbury is releasing four e-novellas set two years before the events in the novel.

THE ASSASSIN AND THE PIRATE LORD is an amazing first glance into the amazing world Sarah has created. The story follows Celaena Sardothien, a 16-year-old assassin the likes of which the world has never known. From her spunky attitude to her obsession with pricey fashion, Celaena never disappoints the reader and provides several giggles with her views of the world. When she’s sent by her master to settle a dispute with the powerful Pirate Lord she’s surprised to find that her mission is not as it seems. Can Celaena right the wrong she’s been sent to fulfill or lose everything in the process?

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord: A Throne of Glass Novella is available from Amazon.com.