Atlantis Rising, the first book in T.A. Barron’s new series, is full of quirky characters, grand adventures, and rich detail.

Atlantis Rising tells the story of Promi and Atlanta. Promi is a skilled knife-thrower — and a skilled thief. When one of his more daring acts goes awry, he finds himself thrown in a dungeon with an old man that tells him stories of myth and legend.

Or so he believes.

Promi is soon caught up in the world of magic and adventure as he runs into Atlanta, a mysterious girl that is willing to do anything to save her precious forest and all of the creatures in it from a deadly blight that is spreading further and further each day.

Meanwhile, a battle rages in the mortal realm for the control of Ellegandia, a small country off the coast of Africa, and at the same time a war is being fought on high, in the spirit realm above.

Like all heroes, Promi and Atlanta must fight to save their home. And while it may result in a great reward, sometimes the cost is an even greater sacrifice.

Review: ‘Atlantis Rising’

Fans of the Lost Years of Merlin series will be glad to pick up Atlantis Rising. This book is exactly what we would expect from author T.A. Barron, in that it is rich in detail and mythology, and is equal parts beautiful writing and exciting adventure.

Most exciting yet is that Barron is once again filling in the gaps of a legend we all have heard of before. Whereas before he told us how Merlin came to be the fabled wizard we all know of, now he is filling in the gaps about Atlantis and how it came to be.

Atlantis Rising explores a time before Atlantis existed, and what happened that forced it into being. With funny sidekicks and surprising heroes, this story makes the legend of Atlantis feel tangible and real. And the best part yet is that we’re just getting started.

Atlantis Rising is out now! You can add it to your Goodreads list or buy it on Amazon.