Don’t have a Valentine? Looking to get the attention of a book lover? Here are nine pick up lines that will help you get the attention of the book lover in your life.

Let’s face it, book people are a special breed. They are well-read, intelligent, and often prefer a book to people because no one can quite live up to the characters in books. So here are nine pick up lines to help you get the attention of a book lover in your life.

  1. I think you might have mistaken me for a library book… you’ve been checking me out all night.

  3. I like books, you like books, why don’t we start writing the story of us?

  5. Girl, I’m glad I brought my library card, ’cause I’m checking you out!

  7. Is your name Scarlett? Because when I saw you my heart was gone with the wind.

  9. I’m like a good thriller; once I start you won’t want me to stop.

  11. Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be what they call fine print!

  13. Did I just step into an E. M. Forster novel? Because any room with you in it is A Room with a View.

  15. Hey cutie, I Sense you have a lot of Sensibility. Was that too Austen-tatious of me to point out?

  17. You must be my patronus because until you were near it felt like dementors were sucking away all my happiness.

Disclaimer: Hypable is not responsible for the consequences of using these pick up lines.

What are your favorite literary pick up lines?