Today is “Blue Monday,” allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Don’t worry, Hypable is here to make your day a little brighter. Because not all blue things are bad.

According to science*, Monday, January 18, 2016 is the most depressing day of the year. We have to admit, it’s got some pretty heavy competition already, but at least it’s nice to know that things are looking up from here, right?

Although the whole “Blue Monday” phenomenon is, in fact, total nonsense, we know that the dark, cold January days can be depressing in general. And yes, a lot of us do get that sad (or S.A.D.) blue feeling this time of year.

But where would we be, as a society — nay, as fandom — if we didn’t try to spin this “blue” day into something more positive? So without further ado, here are 10 awesome fandom-related objects and/or characters that are blue and fabulous.

*less actual science, more of a PR stunt.

10. Sadness from ‘Inside Out’

She’s the epitome of Blue Monday, but she’s pretty damn great. Arguably the funniest character in Inside Out, Sadness (voiced by Phyllis Smith) reminded us that the emotion she embodies is vital to the human experience. After all, it’s not a coincidence that Joy’s eyes, like Sadness’, are also blue.

9. Hermione’s Yule Ball dress

You know, the actual periwinkle version she was described as wearing in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Not the reverse Cinderella they pulled on Emma Watson in the movie.

8. Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique

A highlight of the X-Men franchise is surely Jennifer Lawrence, all in blue as the mutant Mystique. Runners-up for this spot include the Na’vi in Avatar, and Watchmen‘s Doctor Manhattan. But there were only so many naked blue people we could ostensibly put on this list before it got weird.

7. ‘Gilmore Girls’ fashion

Gilmore Girls is a very blue show… as in, the characters wear a lot of blue. And this will cheer you up because the show is being revived on Netflix later this year! Here’s to Luke’s cap making a comeback.

6. The Dress

JUST KIDDING, that thing is clearly white and gold.

5. Captain America

Once upon a time, Captain America was red, white and blue. These days he’s mostly just blue. Whether this is a subtle indicator of the character’s morose emotional state, a visual representation of his dimming patriotism, or simply an aesthetic choice to make the movies look more grown-up, we couldn’t tell you. It looks damn good though.

4. Squirtle, a.k.a. the best starter Pokémon of all time

Fight me, I dare you.

3. Ravenclaw

As the color blue is often associated with wisdom and intelligence, it is a perfect fit for Ravenclaw, one of the four Hogwarts Houses in the Harry Potter series. It is a serene, noble color, sparking the imagination and awakening the magic within.

2. Luke Skywalker’s O.G. lightsaber

Luke Skywalker’s first lightsaber, the one also belonging to Anakin, was blue. And Luke sure had a lot of fun with that thing, between almost poking his own eye out, facing down dear old dad, and losing it along with his hand… Okay, so it might not invoke the best memories for Luke, but it’s beloved by Star Wars fans everywhere!


The real star of Doctor Who is not the Doctor himself, but rather his constant, faithful companion. Although it changes appearance every year, it has never stopped being blue. And every time we see it, we are filled not with sadness, but with optimism and excitement.

Blue may be a descriptor for people feeling down or depressed, but don’t forget: It is also the color of wisdom, imagination, and magic. Often associated with time travel or transformation in fiction, as well as science and space, blue is not all bad.

What are you doing to combat the Blue Monday blues today?